
The organization has many objectives at the time of Establishment, but the prime objectives are given below.

  1. To acquire, establish, start, aid, run, maintain, or manage Schools, Libraries, and Hospitals for the benefit of the people.
  2. To arrange and organize Lectures, Debates, Discussions, Seminars and Excursion for the discussion of knowledge.
  3. To help the needy student of all communities for the prosecution of studies.
  4. To help poor and needy child for the child welfare.
  5. To arrange Mahila Samity and Child welfare society for the benefit of the community.
  6. To help the aged, sick, helpless and indigent persons.
  7. To take necessary steps for improved method of cultivation, Poultry, Farming, Goat rearing and Pisciculture.
  8. Overall development of society through education and awareness.