A few energetic young boys living in some remote villages of Purba Medinipur district, the district of Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar, did not want to idle out their time in meaningless gossipmonging but wanted in right earnest, to propagate the ideals of mass literacy, as are being propagated now a days. With this end in view, 56 years ago from today on January 23, 1964 (auspicious birth day of the great son of Bengal Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose) they joined together and formed an informal association, mainly with the avowed objective of removing illiteracy and inculcating among the rural people the habit of reading and learning.
As days passed on, these grew into their adolescence and ultimately to youths. With the advancement in age, the acquired greater experience and new vistas of rural development opened up before their horizon. As a result, they had to engage themselves in various types of rural regeneration, more particularly in standing by the side of the people who are downtrodden and distressed. While doing so, it was also observed that the problems difficulties and requirements of the rural people are too many which cannot be accomplished by the tiny efforts of these young boys and youths.
By this time, experience gained by them in rural development work forced them to decide to formalize the association. To accomplish this object, Netaji Pathachakra was registered with the Government of West Bengal under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act. (Act No. XXVI) of 1961 with its head office at village Purbachara, P.O.-Tikashi, Block Khejuri –I, District- Purba Medinipur on August 19, 1975. In course of time, Netaji Pathachakra also got registered with Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. 1976. This enabled the Netaji Pathachakra to raise outside funds both from National, & International Organizations so as to hasten the pace of development the area that it served.